The above three 'Charge' structures as illustrated are offered only as pre-particle structure possibilities based on the near massless performances of each. Each, however, is a genuine geometric structure with synchronous spins. A variance in size must always be seen only as a variance in frequency as the velocity at the circumference is always the velocity of light. ( This must be true for all magnetic bonds and their roll in relativity. )

The Neutrino is an Energy Structure

It barely shows its mass, and hides its energy proficiently.

The apparent nothingness of this Energy structure is, like the electron, due to the missing core particle found in the centric convergence of particle structure.

The differenced between energy structures and particle structures might initially be called:

1. Mass External - Where the structure's mass is superficial. 2. Mass Internal - Where a real center of gravity is always at the convergence or bond point of its magnetic fields.

The spin directions of clockwise and counter clockwise have absolutely no bearing on the charge value of anything.  Their job here is to show only the mechanics of field structure relationships to relativity as a magnetic light speed spin. Each field size is relative to the size of the total structure. If there is a mandatory requirement of balance in nature then perhaps the missing red ones (mirrored spins at points of contact) are part of the Proton?

The Electron is an Energy Structure

If and when, light speed spin of relative motionlessness is accepted as the likely source of magnetism, and magnetism is seen as the controlling element of natural structure in all of its forms of energy and matter, then that vision might provide the gateway to understanding the mysteries that our Universe still holds.

If, in the beginning, there was only an ether --- then what we might say is that our universe was present without a Big Bang and what is taking place everywhere in time is the evolution of structures within.

Illustrated above is my rendering of a Max Planck's string size, bubble like, matrix structure of magnetic energy. Being magnetic energy, like any other rendering of magnetic fields, I can only use circles to illustrate what is perfectly transparent. Only one's imagination can see how perfect a conductor of all frequencies of an electromagnetic and gravitational nature this matrix can be. So perfect as to cause need to re-evaluate the Photon.

An Ether Structure: About that Structure

There is a preponderance of evidence and logical reasoning to support the presence of the ether. The necessity of a verification or proof of this ether's existence comes with the need to help answer the remaining questions of the beginning and the end.

When magnetic fields are visualized as the only source of an ether of geometric symmetry, the source of all energy and matter will become self-evident, even though never seen.

The nature of Dark Energy and Dark Matter may become obvious when the quantum, or pre-particle nature of each is understood. This hypothesis sees a clear image of each one.

In the illustration above, only opposite colors bond. The efficiency of an ether to hold a store of potential energy is greatly magnified with light speed spin synchronicity. Also, in terms of RELATIVITY, this cell-like structure is both motionless and timeless. Motionless and timeless is a benchmark for all measurement. Thus, the Ether Cell is the perfect, undetectable, massless medium of electromagnetic transparency at the speed of light.

Ether Cell: A Perfect Energy Structure

The simplest geometric design of magnetic matrix structure.

As with all magnetic structure, the unifying element of light speed synchronicity creates an environment of a single velocity synchronicity.

In a matrix structure an Ether Cell cannot be detected because of its neutral or balanced massless spins. The Ether Cell's lack of detection is precisely what makes it the perfect transparency for the conduction of all electromagnetic and gravitational frequencies. This may be the "Light Speed" conductor that connects a source frequency to all points in the Universe.

The above matrix cell illustration can be replicated in 3D by inscribing

a circle on each side of a truncated Octahedron. The reason that this geometric structure was originally put to use was the synchronistic velocity at each juncture, not only as a single structure but also as a matrix. A most efficient structure for its purpose.

Hypothesized Ether:   The source of all Energy.

The logic of an ether throughout the void of all space has not yet been detected and for a very good reason. Primarily due to perfect transparency and the possible misperception of the scientific concept of transparency.

Particle Physics assumes that all magnetic structure has mass.  Also assumed are the laws of acceleration and that relationship to Kinetic Energy.

A second look at “transparency” as conductivity of presented frequency gives a much clearer explanation of why we can see through certain mediums and not others. The same goes with non-visible wavelengths.  There must always be a medium that transfers the energy of any presented frequency. This hypothesized matrix is the perfect medium for all frequencies of all magnetic, electromagnetic, gravitational, atom-modulating frequencies.

Since modern science finds the source of all magnetism a function of electro/mechanic interactions, it may be the time to update that perception.

Energy from Spin: Magnetism

Spin or linear motion at light speed or light 's velocity is timeless in relativity.

Wave shapes in linear motion at the speed of light; Energy per unit time is measured by wave Amplitude x Frequency.

Magnetic field spins at light speed velocity; Energy can be measured by Planck's constant "h" x frequency

Spin velocity as opposed to wave speed requires no linear speed through space because the light speed velocity is the circumference. Zero linear velocity equates to zero Kinetic energy value. In other words: Spin is pure Potential Energy.

The result of “Energy from Spin”, the foundation of this hypothesis, can be witnessed everywhere in particle physics.

Structure 2 Energy/Ether

The above illustration of a single magnetic bond does not represent a particle. What it does represent is the sychronicity of magnetic light speed velocity, The identicle velocity of all magnetic fields is, what I believe to be, the most likely reason for all particle structure.

Magnetic Bond: The 1st  point of relativity

A magnetic bond as hypothesized is the only place where light speed velocity and zero velocity co-exist. As will be illustrated a logical process where magnetic bonds form geometric magnetic structures as an ETHER. To this ETHER, all things are RELATIVE.

This hypothesized process does not require a Big Bang to explain the origin of the Universe. Instead it predicts a magnetic ether of potential energy that may have found its origin as an infinitely mirrored single field of magnetism. Max Planck's E as in E = h f   A universe of PRE-PARTICLE ENERGY. (A much calmer and logical origin.)

A 3Dimensional Matrix Structure:

from Magnetic Bonds

This hypothesis, all illustrations and formats:   © 2015 by Joseph R. Balint     All Rights Reserved     Comments?    Contact:

The above illustration is a reiteration of the first parts of Structure 1.

The building of this hypothesis cannot be accomplished without this

basic concept of quantum relativity. This is my explanation as I see it.